Sunday, April 5, 2009


We had gorgeous weather today - sunny and a high of about 70 or so. So, I convinced Scott to work on my mosaic, which will go in my backyard this summer. If you remember, last June, I broke a bunch of plates in an effort to let go of any repressed anger. I then decided to take some of the shards to make a mosaic that I entitled, in my head, "Letting Go". The idea is that the center of the piece (my center) would be blue, which represents calm and peace to me. Blue's my favorite color, too. Then, there would be arms of color (like a spiral galaxy) that would go from blue, to green, to tan, to brown, and then red. The red represents the anger that I'm shedding. You can see the red floating off into space.

The first shot was where we left the project last August - it just has the blue center. (Sorry, we left tools and my diet pepsi there.)

The second shot shows how much we were able to finish today. We got all the arms of the spiral completed and then Scott got an idea to use these spotted pieces to create a galaxy, surrounding a blue center. There's another blue centered galaxy in-between a couple of the spiral arms.

The next time we work on it, we will fill in with white and create a border. Then, I guess we grout the whole thing, cover it with a sealant (I think) and then it'll be ready to set outside! Cool, huh?


Carver said...

I can't wait to see your finished mosaic. What a fun project.

Dee said...

Hey there Carver,
I can't wait to see the finished project, either. I've never done anything like this before, so we're hoping it turns out okay!