Thursday, July 22, 2010

Work and Birthday News

I am close to concluding my participation in a project that I have been a part of for two years (the "Alaska Native View of Statehood").  I interviewed 24 Inupit and Yupiit elders who were alive when Alaska became a state. 

I wrote my summary of the Inupiat interviews last fall and finally got enough Yupiit interviews this spring.  I decided to just include the Yupiit interviews into my summary and I added info from archival and literature research.

My chapter summary as well as a 1000-word essay on the "Future of Inupiat and Yupiit' was due on Monday.

I got the 1000-word essay completed and sent in on Monday.  Then, I worked for 8 hours Monday afternoon and evening (from 4pm to 1am with a break for dinner) and then worked for 6 hours on Tuesday (from about 4pm to 10:30pm with a break for dinner).  I had appointments on Monday and Tuesday mornings (Herceptin for three hours and then errands on Monday and then an 8:50am, 10am, 11:15am, and noon on Tuesday).  I turned in my chapter on Tuesday evening.

And, it was accepted.  Now it just needs some editing . . .

Last week, I found out that OSU Press accepted my book proposal.  I met with the Acquisitions Editor to talk about my contract on Wednesday.  I'll be able to look over the draft while I'm away.  My plan is to finish the whole manuscript by next April 1, 2010.  I have a Center for the Humanities Fellowship in Winter Term that should help me write the two new chapters I need (intro and conclusion).

Wednesday also happened to be my 46th birthday.  So, I met with the editor, then a friend/colleague drove over from Bend, and we had lunch and brainstormed some ideas for new projects.  I think we might have something interesting and doable . . . now to sell the idea! 

Wednesday evening, my family went out to dinner. My folks gave me a Tom Robbins book, my friend/colleague gave me a very pretty bracelet with images of skulls, and my sister gave me a sign that said, "The beach soothes my soul" and a turtle necklace. Oh, and a colleague bought my lunch on Tuesday.  Plus, I had almost 50 well wishes on Facebook - that was fun!  Thank you for the gifts, everyone!  And thank you to everyone who wished me well for my birthday!  My favorites were the ones that said, "and many more to come".  Yep, that's my intention.

So, all in all, a good day.  No complaints!


Joanna said...

Happy Birthday. I am excited that your blood tests are looking positive. Those t-cells are doing their job.


Dee said...

Thanks, Joanna!