Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Dragonfly Eyes: Take 5

Lin McJunkin, who was one of the artists joining us at the Dragonfly Eyes week-end in early May, sent me (for obvious reasons) a photo of one of her pieces, which is called "Healing White Light".  I asked, and she said it was okay, if I posted it on the blog.  I promised to give her appropriate credit.  Here's the photographs:

Here is a detailed close up:

Thank you, Lin!  And, here's a link to Lin's website, McJunkin Glass.

Lin also had us create our own tiles, using pieces of glass, which she then fused in the kiln.  Here is my piece, which is my nod to Picasso.  It's a face.

Sorry, it's a bit out of focus.  Enjoy!

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