Monday, February 16, 2009

But I'm tired . . .

After testifying today, we stopped by Kohl's for a few minutes (and Eddie played the Wii at the game store) and I started getting a bit of an aura in my right eye (I could see this flashing iridescent crescent out of the corner of my eye). It lasted for a few, maybe 10-15 minutes. My dad used to get those before the onset of a migraine. I've only had it a few minutes and generally, they represent being stressed at some level.

So, we drove home, got dinner at Applebee's, and since then, I've been tired. So, I'm just hanging out on the computer.

This just tells me that I still need to rest more and take it easy for a few more days. The less excitement the better!

I am glad that I was able to testify, though!

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