Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Another Round of Thank you's!

I have had several people commenting on my blog or sending me emails (yes, like you Erin!) to tell me that they're keeping me in their thoughts and prayers and I just wanted you all to know that I really appreciate it.

I also wanted to thank Sunil and Nancy for meals that were delivered on Monday and Tuesday night. Mmm hmm, good food!

I had a weird thing happen with my tongue and the back of the roof of my mouth - I woke up yesterday with both feeling tender and sensitive to acidic foods. I think that what might've happened is that in the middle of the previous night, I took some Tylenol and another time, another dose of melantonin and I'm afraid that I may not have completely swallowed it, so it may have melted in my mouth and maybe some of the inner part of the pill irritated the tongue and the roof of my mouth. When I saw my tongue last night, I grew worried, but tried to remind myself that tongue cells replicate fairly quickly (ever burn your tongue and within a day or two, it's normal again?). Well, luckily, my tongue and the roof of my mouth feels better today! Whew!

I also need to thank my folks. They've been hanging around with me, keeping me company, and running errands. I had a lot of people who offered to help, but I already knew my folks would be available to help . . . there's something about having family around where you don't feel awkward about asking for help that does decrease one's stress level. They've also helped with cleaning the incision sites (where the drains are coming out of) and putting antibiotic ointment on it. That kind of stuff is hard for dad who gets queasy (like me) at the sight of blood. So, another huge thanks for them! They've been great with Eddie, too.

Eddie's father has taken him more, too, as I recover, and I appreciate that support - I know that he's being taken care of and that's a huge relief!

Have a great day!

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