Tuesday, December 8, 2009

This is pretty cool!

The chair of my department requested some information about the Charitable Prescription Drug Program (which goes into effect Jan 1, 2010, although I don't know yet of any pharmacies that have agreed to participate) and found a copy of the bill online:

Charitable Prescription Drug Program

My name is on the bill:

Sponsored by Representatives GELSER, BARTON; Representatives BUCKLEY, GREENLICK,
MAURER, STIEGLER, THOMPSON, WITT (at the request of Deanna Kingston)

How cool is that? : )

Remember to ask your pharmacy to participate and maybe work with charitable organizations in your home town to set up "charitable prescription drug program" funds to help defray the "handling fee" that might be charged to patients. And, ask your pharmacies to start dispensing meds in individual-dose sealed packages!