Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Decent Week-end

So, Scott has to move out . . . complicated reasons, really, some of which have to do with having more opportunities for his work and massage school. We figure, though, that it's just temporary. His friend came down yesterday and they loaded up his stuff and brought it to Portland. Scott was driving the UHaul, so he asked that I go up to Portland to fetch him afterwards. I took the opportunity to go to Powell's and run a couple of other errands before I met him at his new and much improved apartment.

First, I wanted to check out this yard sale at 20th & Division - there was something there Eddie was interested in. As always with a yard sale, you always find something you didn't know you wanted or needed. I found a couple of brand new frying pans (yes, I do sometimes cook - sometimes - and it seemed like a good investment as Renee wants me to "tinker" in the kitchen while I'm in Hawaii in order to encourage more of that domestic activity in me). Mom and dad's oven went kaput about a year ago - mom hasn't been able to bake or do anything like that for a year. There was this table top rotisserie/convection oven. Brand new. I bought it for them. It is only about 13x17 - not as large as a conventional oven, but they can bake small things until such time as they can afford to get an oven. Dad called tonight to thank me again for this purchase - they had meatloaf for the first time in a long time and wanted me to know how much they appreciated the gift. You're welcome, guys!

Then, it was off to Powell's. My absolute favoritist bookstore in the world. Found a couple of books related to one of my research projects, a book on Hawaii geared for kids, and a book on Energy Healing Scientific Experiments.

I saw Scott's new digs - wow, what an improvement over the old place and in a neighborhood that just feels healthy and energetic. It's a good move for him under the circumstances.

Then, Scott, his friend, and I went to John Barleycorn's (a McMenamin's pub) for a quick lunch and a beer. Good conversation ensued.

Then, back home and my folks, my brother Scotty and I went to see Credence Clearwater Revisited play at the Albany Art and Air Festival. Great music and good company - we bumped into my other brother, Kevin, and his roommate and other friends.

Today, Scott and I had breakfast and sat at a coffee place and worked for a couple of hours. Afterwards, we took a walk through a neighborhood near campus, then downtown to sit on the Rooftop at American Dream (where Obama stopped by for a bite of pizza in March 2008 while campaigning) and we worked for awhile up there.

I then picked up Eddie from his dad and we bought his new "skoo hoo's". When I was in kindergarten, I got new "skoo hoo's" (school shoes) - a story my mom likes to tell and now whenever anyone gets new shoes, that's what she says.

So, it's been a good, busy week-end. I still have some work I want to do tonight . . . but I'm feeling lazy. Best get to it, though!! Happy Sunday evening, folks!


Daria said...

Sounds like a nice weekend ... skoo hoos ... I like that.

Dee said...

Thanks, Daria!