Thursday, March 5, 2009

Eddie and I are both on the mend

Eddie went to school today. He's feeling much better and has an appetite again. Yay!

As for me, I'm doing well, too. My energy and stamina seem back to normal and my incisions are healing nicely. I can feel a little bit of tightness around the right breast area. But I can almost lift myself to sitting from laying down without using my arms and more of the stomach. I still have a bit of discomfort around the belt line when the waist of my pants hit it. I'm gradually trying to stretch the abdomen where they released the TRAM. I can pretty much stand up straight.

Work is busy. But pleasantly so.

I don't have any complaints.

I like saying that!

1 comment:

Carver said...

I'm sorry you and Eddie were sick but glad he is on the mend and also glad your recovery is moving along. Take good care of yourself, Carver