Thursday, February 5, 2009

And, I have great students

I've been pretty up front with my students about my metastatic cancer and the fact that I'm going in for reconstruction surgery tomorrow. I'll be out for three weeks - the students will get by with guest speakers, exams, group projects, and films. I have a TA for one of them - Sam - who has graciously agreed to help with the films.

But, I was surprised when the students in my class today all signed a Get Well Soon card for me. It was sweet and so unexpected! Thank you guys!

Yesterday, I met with Maureen, the Mandala Lady and she gave me a 13x13 mandala to color just for answering a few questions about her coloring books. Then, my colleague who is on her way to Cuba gave me a "Celtic Mandala Coloring Kit" yesterday. Way cool!

And, I found out that things look hopeful for a supplemental on the King Island grant, which will help pay for the programming for an interactive web map.

Another cancer blogger - and two more colleagues that I met last May - have all wished me well. My colleagues and their families are all thinking about me.

Cool, eh?

A very good day. Things bode well for tomorrow.

Thank you everyone for thinking of me! That knowledge that you're sending good energy and prayers will be carried into surgery. I'm pretty sure that I'll by just fine! Thank you again!

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