Saturday, October 29, 2011

Visits and Appointments

Today is Friday, and it was a pretty good day although it was really busy.

Turns out I triple booked myself and I totally forgot about it. I told two people they could come over, and mom and dad also booked hospice. So our priority was hospice. One friend totally understood and just dropped off a Jamba Juice and said she'd come back later. Thank you Shannon, I appreciate it. My other friend was Margaret. She dropped off a medicine basket for me, and they have a lot of healing and medical significance to them. It made me cry, I hadn't seen Margaret in so long. It was so nice to get that gift from her, I really appreciated it. She's such a sweet person. She'll be one of the people I will miss at OSU.

Later, my brother brought over movies. He brought Bridesmaids, so I watched that with him. Then I promptly fell asleep for a couple of hours. I was pretty tired by then.

On Saturday, I think I have a couple of appointments. The hospice nurse will come at 10:00am and learn how to change my wound dressing. It seems I have something else going on, but I can't remember what it is. At any rate, instead of being so tired I need to start working on some stuff. Yesterday I had the nausea; I haven't had it today but I sure have been tired. 

No other news. I hope you're all well. Love you!

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