Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Damn flu!

So, Monday, after I picked up Eddie from school, I got the chills that didn't go away for about 30 minutes - by the time I got home, my fingers were tingly and numb and I was shivering uncontrollably! After making tea and trying to warm my hands above the burner, I checked my temperature - it was 100.8! All day, I'd felt fine and I didn't start going downhill until about 4:30pm. It was weird how quickly the symptoms came on. I also had achey muscles, headache, sore throat and an earache. Sigh!

Since then, I've been managing the fever and I woke up yesterday with the glands in my throat swollen, making it hard to swallow. It's still that way although I think the throat is less swollen today, but it still hurts. The aches have gone away, although I still have a slight earache and the sore throat. I had the sore throat checked for strep yesterday evening and it was negative, so it is the "damn flu!".

I caught it from Scott, who came down with flu symptoms two weeks ago today. When I finally spent some time with him, he hadn't had active flu symptoms for several days, so I thought it was safe. I guess not! I'm hoping that I'm over this flu for a few days before starting Herceptin. If not, I might have to delay it for another few days.

Anyway, have a good Wednesday!

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