Thursday, November 1, 2007

A big thanks to everyone!

Hello again,
I just wanted to let you all know that I appreciate you all taking the time to read the blog! I am grateful for your posts and your wishes, prayers and blessings. I think perhaps that they are making a difference because I have felt less tension in my shoulders and my tension headaches and clenched jaw seem to have gone away. In other words, I am feeling more relaxed and centered. (Or maybe it was that massage I had the other day! LOL) No, seriously, I appreciate all that you're doing for me so far .. . it's helping me feel less anxious about the surgery.

Several of you have contacted me to say you can't make it to the party and I wanted to tell you that I completely understand . . . no problem! And, for those of you who said you can make it, cool! I think it's going to be fun. One person I saw last night said they've already made something for the party . . .

Again, thank you! And, we'll see you soon!


Heather said...


While searching for jokes today at work I Googled "cancer jokes". I was attempting to be politically correct, since I was relatively sure it was a BAD idea to type in "boob jokes" on Google from my desk. You know, the department head of HR might suddenly appear out of nowhere brandishing a pink slip with my name on it.

I found this joke. It's totally not a boob joke, but I laughed my head off!

"I was diagnosed with testicular cancer and had a radical orcheictomy on Sept.18/98.

I am currently taking radiation therapy that will be finished on Nov.26/98.

After my first radiation treatment, I was laying in bed that night. The children were finally all asleep. Carol and I could, at last, talk about the day's events. We talked about several things, always dancing around how the radiation treatment had gone.

Finally, Carol asked how I was feeling. I told her pretty good, but my skin was a little tender. Carol offered to take a look, pulled the covers back and gasped -- there was a strange green glow coming out from under the blankets.

I had taken a "Glow-stick" and hidden it under the covers."


See you Saturday!

Dee said...

Perfect! That was hilarious! And, I agree that HR might not like you googling "boob jokes"!