Wednesday, January 7, 2009

V-ball news

We had a late v-ball game last night, but we only had five people. Alas! We lost the match, 21-13 (or something) and 21-18. We had to play with a "hole" and the other team always managed to find it.

Ah, well. There's next week!


Doug said...


I hope this does not seem trite, but some people don't like the saying, "It's not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game." But I believe it's true.

And it's especially true (for me) when talking about this life. Bad things happen to good people, we're hurt, disappointed, even exalted; but I believe it's how we "play the game" that determines who we are.

I like your outlook on life, and I believe you're playing the game well! Keep playing!


Dee said...

Hiya Doug,
Thank you for the compliment! I have to admit that I do have a competitive streak, but I am not one to yell and cuss at teammates if they make a mistake. At any rate, it's my intention to keep playing this game of life. Still have a lot of things to work on . . . but don't we all, huh?

MisAnthropology said...

Let me know when you have a Friday game or one that might fall on an in-service day, like Thursday. If it's a Logan-free weekend, David would be all over the idea of adding another body to your team.